Monday, June 6, 2011

OMG. Srsly? WTF? FML...FTW.

Camp starts tomorrow.

What is camp, you ask? Phoenix Theatre's youth summer camp.
This week, I'll be teaching about 20 teens how to read, interpret and perform Shakespeare. (We hope.)

That's where I'll be from 8-5 each day... with my evenings spent frantically packing up for the big move. Yup. Moving day is Thursday. Final walk-thru of the old place is Friday.

Can we say overwhelmed?

I'm both excited and nervous for camp this week. Excited because I get to immerse myself in The Bard once again. Nervous because the whole thing culminates in a performance on Friday... and four days is not a lot of time for some of his loftier offerings.

In the meantime, I've had 'Movin' Right Along' (as sung by Kermit and Fozzie) running on a continuous loop in my head each time another box gets packed. Which also tells me that I need to have my Pandora more readily available while I'm working.

I have no idea how we're going to make it all happen. Movers are being hired (it's not like I have the luxury of time to make multiple trips or load it all up with the help of my dearest friends)... and we're talking a 4-bedroom house with multiple large furniture sets. Now, I'm a buff li'l scrapper, but I honestly don't want to put my poor old body through that. And there's no way I could do it all in the span of an evening after work. So... movers it is. Hallelujah.

But that doesn't change the fact that I still have to clean out the old place (and shampoo the carpets) as well as try to get the new place in at least functional order before I leave the kids to fend for themselves all day without me (which really just means making sure the TV/cable/Playstation is hooked up).

OMG. I just realized how boring and... *gasp* responsible this blog sounds. As if I'm a grown-up who is bound by agendas and schedules and obligations.


Okay, well on that note, I'm gonna go chug a forty and pass out in the living room with my band and the two homies we met at the Circle K.
Not really. I'm gonna brush my teeth and scoot the dog off of my side of the bed and crash like the old fart I am.

Hoping that by the end of the week, we'll all be happy campers!

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